• Sisko Ruskokivi

    Date posted: April 28, 2011 Author: jolanta

    “I have made it spontaneously through intuition, almost unintentionally,
    direct conceived from the depth of my creative unconscious.”



    Feeling through the Labyrinth

    Sisko Ruskokivi-Runeberg

    My painting is a mystery to me. I have made it spontaneously through intuition, almost unintentionally, directly conceived from the depth of my creative unconscious. I get a profound contentment and joy by painting in this free way. To describe, verbalize—movements, which have such unpredictable meanings—is a labyrinth. It gives you, the observer, full freedom to feel the painting just as you feel it. This kind of visual language is based on the common experience of humanity. So—let’s meet each other in the unconscious.


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