• Shim, Jeong Eun

    Date posted: August 10, 2006 Author: jolanta
    Image My work is concerned with creating a sense of anxiety which is formed by constructing aberrations of familiar objects.

    My work is concerned with creating a sense of anxiety which is formed
    by constructing aberrations of familiar objects. It is my intention to
    take recognizable forms/objects and manipulate them so the origin has
    several possible sources and the meanings are redirected to suggest a
    sense of the disquiet. I also select the fabrics the forms are sewn
    from which suggest an aura of context further directing the content of
    my work towards the

    One of my recent concerns is about ‘The Stranger’. I am a stranger who came from Korea. Even most Americans who live in the US are not native people. I think we all might be a stranger in our life, like in the book The Stranger by Albert Camus.
    Like the work of the surrealists, I hope to form a dreamlike shift in the appearance and metamorphosis of the familiar allowing the viewer to be reminded of their own memories and desires related to these recognizable elements.

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