• Michael Werner

    Date posted: August 10, 2006 Author: jolanta
    Image The body of my work is an investigation into the concepts of home and place. It is about a place you have been before…

    The body of my work is an investigation into the concepts of home and place. It is about a place you have been before, the one you are currently in, and the one in which you want to be or are dreaming about. Ideal places in a world that is constantly changing. It is as much about the imaginary or idealized as about real places reminiscent of the home you left. The photographs are flooded with light and colors, on first glance they have an enigmatic quality – are they really photographs, or paintings in an impressionistic, romantic style. This quality is also accentuated by the large physical scale of the photographs.  

    In our world today, where migration is a process of survival, home is not necessarily where you were born anymore, it can be far away from that place in a culture which is totally different from your own. There is always an image or feeling of a place or landscape we desire to be in or part of, where we feel totally comfortable, even if it’s only a romantic idealized home in our imagination.

     The photographs provide in vibrant colors and aesthetics the perception of a perfect environment. Enigmatic and seductive, you are lured into the image with a sense of awe and wonder

    The works of the series "The Classics," I present exactly how the eye sees it, without any manipulation in the darkroom or on the computer.

    The series "The Remixes" is manipulated on the computer and has its origin in modern music. In the 1970’s the first new mixes of an already existing song appeared, nowadays it is all present and common to produce different mixes of songs to elicit different emotions and styles. In this series I have transposed this practice into the field of fine arts to create different, new versions from selected "classic" shots which provide totally different emotions and feelings to the viewer. Some of them are like childhood memories, because of the fading colors, some are more saturated and fit more into the world of fantasy.

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