• Karen Deicas DePodesta

    Date posted: July 28, 2011 Author: jolanta


    “I paint, believing that the act of creating and one’s reactions to art should be near subconscious perceptions, causing ones instincts to come alive.”

    Courtesy of the artist.

    Karen Deicas DePodesta


    I paint, believing that the act of creating and one’s reactions to art should be near subconscious perceptions, causing ones instincts to come alive.

    The movement of my body and the subtle rhythm of shifting forms of color lead the way, as I use different sensations of light and patchwork to allow the elements on the canvas to have a dialogue with one another. I like to let the immediacy of the emotion or thought evoked by the painting be my communication to the viewer, making my work’s meaning indivisible from the viewer’s reaction.

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