• Fiamma Morelli

    Date posted: December 9, 2011 Author: jolanta


    “The painting of Fiamma Morelli is initially the embodiment of her half technical half expressive approach”


    Courtesy of the artist.


    Fiamma Morelli

    The painting of Fiamma Morelli is initially the embodiment of her half technical half expressive approach; and subsequently the search for overcoming the dualisms of light-shade, good-evil, realism-abstraction, visible-invisible. It passes therefore from the initial “complexity” which is introspective into an increasing “essentialized” expressive pictorial language.

    “Crossing  the thresholds of abstraction with sparkling pigments they produce neoplasmi and grates and magmi in continuous becoming. Notable, among the others, is her period Abstract Scenografico – Environmental particularly the “Frequencies.”   

    –Donat Conenna

    *** This article was published by NY Arts Magazine, 2011. NY Arts Magazine is published by Abraham Lubelski. Sponsored by Broadway Gallery, NYC and World Art Media.

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