Date posted: December 9, 2011 Author: jolanta


    “I share my feelings and emotions and do not spare anyone, including myself.”


    Courtesy of the artist.



    I am a global and cosmopolitan artist in spirit and I am interested in the perception of our rapidly changing reality. At the same time I am deeply committed to kyrgyz traditions: I love bright colors I’m stubborn and straightforward.  I share my feelings and emotions and do not spare anyone, including myself. I was trained in Soviet classic art education and did not stop. I am always searching. Therefore, my works share the effects of different avant-garde styles and the newest artists. However, I never repeat; representing the world around us, looking for my style, my own handwriting in finding myself, is an inherent  truth. I am against  individualists, religious fundamentalists, socialists and at the same time remain an individualist in spirit.
    *** This article was published by NY Arts Magazine, 2011. NY Arts Magazine is published by Abraham Lubelski. Sponsored by Broadway Gallery, NYC and World Art Media.

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