• Yorgos Kypris

    Date posted: July 5, 2013 Author: mauri
    Courtesy of the artist.

    Courtesy of the artist.

    The largest group of my works, to which I have devoted myself exclusively for four years, is entitled “Fish”. It is constantly being enriched with newer pieces which parallel the other bodies of work. At first sight, these new bodies of work may seem totally different from one another as well as from the fish series. This may be the case because I either get interested in different ways of expression or I refuse to regurgitate the ideas which have established my work in the public’s conscience. As far as time permits, I keep exploring new areas, methods, subjects and materials and I leave myself open to the influence of current events and newly generated images. I believe that all forms of my work are related simply because they present various expressions of the ideas of the same person. All of them center on the human actions and aim at raising the public’s awareness on issues of artistic, social and environmental interest.


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