• Yana Dimitrova

    Date posted: September 28, 2006 Author: jolanta
    Image “Everyone is so near, so alone.” My aim is to present the human condition with an odd tension in the most non-narrative perspective.

    “Everyone is so near, so alone.”

    My aim is to present the human
    condition with an odd tension in the most non-narrative perspective.
    The paintings from this study are not intended to suggest a specific
    concept or corner the viewer into one perspective. The figures and
    imagery certainly are designed to reflect emotion and strong feelings,
    just in a manner that will have the audience recognize these emotions
    and then seek with the imagination a story or cause. The viewer does
    not have guide lines for his emotions, he recognizes a human condition,
    but will not have much of a hint as to “why?” My paintings are eerie,
    forcing the viewer to “think”. It is not my purpose to make complicated
    art, my idea is rather simple- the reflection of the human condition,
    found as public and private, by the viewer. The goal of creating a
    sense of public and private is a major part of my personal and
    professional ideas. The paintings I created within the past three years
    are strongly derived from this concept as a root of a more specific
    idea. Some of them are a bit more dream like, some are more
    realistic–but all of them lead the viewer to the main focal point–the
    human. The very large-scale format allows me to articulate the
    emotional impact with my full physical and mental energy, which becomes
    both, part of the imagery and the composition.

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