• This is How I Roll

    Date posted: December 5, 2007 Author: jolanta
    The Dos Pestañeos exhibition Every Last Day is coming down after a month-long run. I wake up and leave Brooklyn with David for DC, hoping to get to the gallery by 7pm. After making very concrete arrangements, it is a bit disheartening to arrive after all that travel and find that there is no one at the gallery to let us in. After several calls and text messages we get in, but it’s 9pm and we both have to go to work in the morning. Hours behind, we finish packing up at 2am. We head home. Image

    Hope Hilton


    Andrew Ross, detail, Rocks and Caves, office paper.

    October 7, 2007
    Washington, DC, USA

    The Dos Pestañeos exhibition Every Last Day is coming down after a month-long run. I wake up and leave Brooklyn with David for DC, hoping to get to the gallery by 7pm. After making very concrete arrangements, it is a bit disheartening to arrive after all that travel and find that there is no one at the gallery to let us in. After several calls and text messages we get in, but it’s 9pm and we both have to go to work in the morning. Hours behind, we finish packing up at 2am. We head home.

    October 8, 2007
    Washington, DC to New York City, USA

    Stopped by a Starbucks at a rest stop in Delaware, where last month we met a really nice girl named Shonda at 3am. We went back to say hi but she wasn’t there. We wrote her a note.
        Driving toward New York City at 6am, David and I are delirious and yelling at the sun to wake up, to help us wake up. It takes a lot longer for sunrise than I expect. We have made a pact to stay awake together. By the time we cross the Verrazzano Bridge it is finally light outside. The sun is helping us, but we are tired of making fun of the songs on the radio and all of our CDs have made the rounds twice. Finally home, I nap for an hour and wake up to go to work. After work I meet Andrew and Scott at my studio to unload the show. Get home at 11:30pm and fall asleep in my clothes.

    October 9, 2007
    Brooklyn, NY

    Finish up an ad design for Art Papers magazine announcing the thesis exhibition at Hunter College, where I am receiving my MFA in December. Send some paper samples to the printer in Korea in hopes that a quote will come fast for a catalogue I’m designing. I still need to collect the money from everyone for the catalogue for Every Last Day, which is ready to print but I haven’t had time to yet. My thesis paper is due tomorrow! I email Nat Slaughter about taking a trip to Atlanta to design the website for 21 Cities, a yearly series Nat and I invented that involves simultaneous performances around the world. Sarah Karp commits to being my editor for my next project, a journal I’ve had in the works for three years that I have just named You’re Afraid of Zero.

    October 10, 2007
    Brooklyn, NY

    Work all day at the job that pays the bills. Dinner with Kate McNamara always turns into beautiful plans and hours of food. We are working on curatorial proposals together for next year with our friend Bridget Donahue. In a city without affordable space we hope to find places that will enjoy and enhance our programming. So far our ideas are related to performance and video nights, bookmaking and more socially engaged pursuits. We commit to 2008, as 2007 is already so full. Get home to an email from Shonda at Starbucks—she got our note!

    October 11–13, 2007
    Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

    I am delighted to participate in a wonderful conference/mini-residency at The University of Regina titled Open Engagement: Art After Aesthetic Distance, created and hosted by a wonderful artist named Jennifer Delos Reyes. Having just turned my thesis paper in yesterday, I am relieved to begin working on my presentation for Saturday. It is so nice to be around fellow artists like Ashley Neese, Futurefarmers, Lori Gordon, Ben Guttin, Harrell Fletcher, Anna Oxygen and so many more. Find out Harrell has an exhibition at Alfred University right after mine! Sitting in on so many inspired presentations and discussions, I am full of confidence and questioning. I lead two 20-minute silent walks at night with people here, and after my presentation meet a bunch of artists who also walk.

    October 14, 2007
    Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada to Brooklyn, NY, USA

    The week that just passed has been the blurriest and most satisfying of weeks. It’s as though I was bundled into an avalanching snowball and am trying to touch as many things as possible, taking them with me as I roll. I am currently in a state of contemplation as I am taking my first day off in one month and I’m not even home. I’m sitting on Regan’s back porch in Regina, on a borrowed laptop, barely able to make sentences. I finally edit the e-mail Nat sent me a week ago regarding 21 cities and the next step. We have been behind on providing an update so I send one out to let everyone know I am going to Atlanta next week to organize and design the website. I’m tired and I have also fallen in love (!). How is all this possible? Back in Brooklyn and 15 voice messages to deal with—welcome home!

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