• The Real Counterfeit

    Date posted: January 18, 2011 Author: jolanta

    We cannot see reality for what it is. What we see is something presented to us by others as their version of reality. What I try to portray is certain characteristics of a reality that I encounter in my life, or what I call, the real counterfeit. In my work, the process of molding clay sculptures is not only a reinterpretation of my life, but is more a ritual where I continuously dedicate and focus my efforts and skills on this process, in a desire to re-name, re-characterize, or modify the object which I am molding, at the same time trying not to alter anything noticeable to such objects.

    Jiao Xing-Tao

    Jiao Xing-Tao, Being, 2010. FRP, paint, 57 x 68 x 500 cm. Courtesy of the artist.

    We cannot see reality for what it is. What we see is something presented to us by others as their version of reality. What I try to portray is certain characteristics of a reality that I encounter in my life, or what I call, the real counterfeit.

    In my work, the process of molding clay sculptures is not only a reinterpretation of my life, but is more a ritual where I continuously dedicate and focus my efforts and skills on this process, in a desire to re-name, re-characterize, or modify the object which I am molding, at the same time trying not to alter anything noticeable to such objects.

    “Being” is the title of my exhibition and also the name of one of my pieces. Made with fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) and modeled from a carefully prepared clay sculpture, Being is a standing column with lots of stains on its surface, including scribbles, bullet holes left from the Cultural Revolution, the remnants of a Mao Ze-Dong bust, his quotations and sayings. This slanting column makes me feel nervous somehow. View is a set of relief sculptures consisting of a set of water pipes and cast-iron fire extinguishers, which are dislocated from their usual positions, and stand instead, in the middle of a gallery space. Hidden is a reproduced portrayal of a real wooden box. Painted in black, the wooden box acts like a black hole in the venue. FRP is a strange material that is always used to resemble something else.

    I believe that hidden behind an “object” is a truth and reality that may never be known.

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