• Tauba Auerbach: Tetrachromat

    Date posted: May 22, 2013 Author: mauri
    Untitled (Fold), 2011. Acrylic on canvas / wooden stretcher. 182.9 x 137.2 cm. Courtesy of the artist and STANDARD (OSLO), Oslo.

    Untitled (Fold), 2011. Acrylic on canvas, wooden stretcher. 182.9 x 137.2 cm. Courtesy of the artist and STANDARD (OSLO), Oslo. Photo: Vegard Kleven

    Drawing inspiration from mathematics and physics, Tauba Auerbach investigates surface and topology issues through paintings, drawings, photographs, and artists books. The title of the exhibition, Tetrachromat, refers to a particular condition of color information conveyance. Auerbach pushes the notion that most humans own the variable capable of modulating colors to form the visible spectrum apparent in her work. Her painting questions fundamental themes: the representation of a three-dimensional reality on a two-dimensional surface, and the relationship between abstraction and representation. Unifying surfaces and volumes Auerbach is able to merge what are usually conflicting concepts.

    Tauba Auerbach: Tetrachromat
    WIELS, Centre for Contemporary Art
    Av Van Volxem 354, 1190 Brussels
    March 22nd through June 2, 2013

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