• Solitary Confinement

    Date posted: October 21, 2009 Author: jolanta
    Inspired by the premise that communication is the basis of all relationships, my work is about communication in the era of technology.

    Valeria Cordero

    Valeria Cordero, Vstream, 2008. Video still, dimensions variable. Courtesy of the artist.

    Inspired by the premise that communication is the basis of all relationships, my work is about communication in the era of technology. Man is by nature social, and with the invention of technological gadgets people are becoming more and more isolated, alienating themselves through machines.

    Vstream is a testament to the Internet phenomena, exploring the actuality of the medium and delving into some of its most relevant elements such as voyeurism and exhibitionism. The piece contains 432 videos. Each two-minute-and-thirty-second video represents the passage of a day and is comprised of images taken once every minute by a computer Web cam and uploaded to the Web in real time. All of the videos are looped and projected simultaneously. With this project I aim to question the line between public and private from a computer’s point of view in an era when “social networks” such as Facebook and MySpace are universal platforms where its users willingly expose their lives.

    Technology not only changes they way people interact, it even changes linguistics. In The Search Project, a study of identity and semantics, I create a visual dictionary of the 21st century, including portraits. The compilations are determined by the collective notion of a word or name gathered from popular Web search engines. These collective definitions are unique and always changing, depending on the changing views on a particular idea.

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