• Shades of Shadows

    Date posted: January 21, 2010 Author: jolanta
    There are millions of people in New York City, and each has their own agenda. People from stateside and abroad. We really are a melting pot here. It’s so fast-paced—tons and tons of energy from all over. Hoards of people interacting from different places ranging from East New York in Brooklyn to the Upper East Side of Manhattan. Also Asia, South America, Africa, and Europe. It is a super diverse city, from a cultural standpoint. Human interaction and the human condition are one of my motivations. “What is this for?” “Did someone die here?” “That’s weird!” “Why are you doing that?” “Looks nice.” All sorts and types of reactions you are bound to get when walking out of doors. I am putting works out there on the streets for people to enjoy publicly.

    Ellis Gallagher

    There are millions of people in New York City, and each has their own agenda. People from stateside and abroad. We really are a melting pot here. It’s so fast-paced—tons and tons of energy from all over. Hoards of people interacting from different places ranging from East New York in Brooklyn to the Upper East Side of Manhattan. Also Asia, South America, Africa, and Europe. It is a super diverse city, from a cultural standpoint. Human interaction and the human condition are one of my motivations. “What is this for?” “Did someone die here?” “That’s weird!” “Why are you doing that?” “Looks nice.” All sorts and types of reactions you are bound to get when walking out of doors. I am putting works out there on the streets for people to enjoy publicly. When the work is outside on the street, it is very democratic in a sense that it is on view for everyone to see, people from all walks of life. Even people who have little to no interest in strolling into a museum or gallery to expose themselves to art experience the work on the sidewalk. The challenge for me is to create that work and try to capture it as best I can, photographing it to make prints, so people can enjoy them privately.

    My work is directly related to everyday life. The content and subject matter of my work are all items or objects we deal with on a daily basis consciously and subconsciously. Items and objects on the street outside as well as inside. Fortunately, My subject matter is never-ending. Light is everywhere creating shadows from all types of different light sources. I capture and enhance it. Outside, it can be fleeting. Weather, pedestrian and vehicular traffic are considered. Building owners or maintenance hose it away with water. One minute it’s here, the next it’s gone. Inside is a whole different ball game. It becomes photography and screen prints. It becomes installation and sculpture. Most times there is a rhyme and reason behind which objects I work with. Sometimes I like to randomly choose objects, in random geographical locations when I am outside. It really depends on what is catching my eye at the moment. Light source comes into play, as does color, dry or wet streets, surface, backgrounds, architecture, chalk brand, location, and vehicular as well as pedestrian traffic.

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