• Remembering Arthur C. Danto

    Date posted: October 29, 2013 Author: mauri

    Arthur-C.-DantoIt is with great sadness and a deep feeling of loss that NY Arts acknowledges the passing of a dear friend and esteemed colleague, Arthur C. Danto.

    Beloved contemporary critic and author, Danto’s contributions to the structure of current aesthetic thought are simply beyond measure. From his early work grappling with the enormous questions put before us by Pop art, to his work announcing that art as we knew it was dead, Danto had an incredibly cogent way of discussing the topics underlying all forms of art exploration. His work delved into the deepest principles of what it was that we understood as art, and challenged us to follow his intelligent lead as best we were able. The many lofty aspirations we at NY Arts wish to someday fulfill, were quite eloquently stated by this giant of a contemporary thinker.

    NY Arts would like to extend our most sincere condolences to all those who this great man surrounded himself with, especially those who survive him, his wife Barbara Westman, and the rest of his family.

    “There is a lot of uninspired work in the galleries,” Mr. Danto once wrote. “But there is so much ingenious work, so much intelligence, so much dedication, and really so much high-mindedness in the art world that, were it shared by the rest of the world, we would have entered a golden age.”

    Read his complete NY Times Obituary here.

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