• Rafael Kolinski

    Date posted: February 29, 2012 Author: jolanta




    “Man intrigues me in the emotional and spiritual sphere”


    Courtesy of the artist.

    Rafael Kolinski

    A human being and their confrontation with something — mysterious, unknown or uncertain — is always the starting point for me. Man intrigues me in the emotional and spiritual sphere, often noted in extreme situations. I am interested in a person, exposed to the world’s imperfections, and who is helpless when it comes to reconciling universal values with the sphere of subjective values. I am looking for these scratches, cracks, and inconsistencies of our surrounding world with our individual natures.

    States of danger, downfall or pessimism and at the same time passion, love, devotion of beauty and goodness are present in my activity. They alternate and interact in expressively painted, fleshy scenes, which are characterized with strong personal and individual symbolism. I am trying to find the truth about Man, and through my painting, I attempt to understand the world surrounding Man. I explore the extremities, distortions, pathologies and evils appear so often in the world.
    “You can endure all sorrows, when you create a story of them or tell a story about them,” Isaak Dinesen said. Maybe I am just trying to grow accustomed to my experiences and negative emotions regarding the world through art.

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