• Occupy Naples Meets Occupy Museums

    Date posted: March 27, 2012 Author: jolanta

    Today, the request for new public spaces to share art and experiences is raising worldwide.

    In New York, Occupy Museums, the offshoot to Occupy Wall Street launched last November, set a “Free Art for Fair Exchange” during the Armory week, giving free art to passengers just in front of the famous piers 92-94.

    The New York-based artist Noah Fischer and his peers of the OM movement are now calling on artists, art workers and art lovers to share proposals for a free art exchange on May Day 2012.

    “This past Sunday was a way, to exercise a radical imagination – informed by dreams of beloved community and histories of militant resistance.”

    Queen Mother Dr. Blakely and Noah Fischer of Occupy Museums donates a cultural icon of the Occupy Movement to the Museum of American Finance, 2012


    Occupy Naples Meets Occupy Museums
    By Vanessa Saraceno

    Today, the request for new public spaces to share art and experiences is raising worldwide.

    In New York, Occupy Museums, the offshoot to Occupy Wall Street launched last November, set a “Free Art for Fair Exchange” during the Armory week, giving free art to passengers just in front of the famous piers 92-94.

    The OM movement is now calling on artists, art workers and art lovers to share proposals for a free art exchange on May Day 2012.

    The next step has been to protest the “capitalist” museums at the recent  event “Art Assembly”.

    This past Sunday, March 25th at Fort Green Park in Brooklyn, the group held a discussion about the necessity for new public spaces.

    This past Sunday was a way, to exercise a radical imagination – informed by dreams of beloved community and histories of militant resistance.

    If people in New York still want to reclaim a public space for the arts in the face of market-obsessed museums programs, then it should look to Naples, Italy.  There the collective group “URTO!” has already obtained it.

    Over the past year, this group of artists, critics, curators and art workers have symbolically occupied the PAN Museum of Naples and added their portfolios in its official archive.  Their aim is to awaken the public consciousness on what is –or should be- the role of a museum: an open space for social communication and the promotion of new, emerging artistic practices.



    Danza Flux (Fabrizio Varriale/Chiara Alborino), Pathos, Video-performance, 6’46’’, 2012.
    Photo Credit: Paolo Varsalona.


    The mission of the informal network “URTO!” is to raise new models of collective administration that can act as a means for direct participation from artists.

    The 30 members of the group have invited all the local artists and curators to send proposals for their project “Beyond Paralysis”, an exhibition currently on view at PAN.

    With the “moral”, but not financial support of the Council of Naples, this exhibit will run through April 10th, hosting 24 works, several performances and a laboratory of experimental artistic practice. This exhibit is curated by Lorenzo Mantile and Domenico Esposito.


    Gruppo Camera and Marco Matta, Tragedy for crash-test dummy. Action painting performance
    with three instruments, 2012.

    For Occupy Museums, more information at: http://occupymuseums.org/

    For “URTO! Informal Network”, more information at: http://www.urtonapoli.tk/

    If you have any questions contact: occupymuseums@gmail.com, urtoproject@gmail.com

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