• Maria Rosina Jaakkola

    Date posted: July 7, 2011 Author: jolanta


    Maria Rosina Jaakkola


    My two careers as an artist and landscape architect are interwoven in my life’s texture and have taken me around the world in search for beauty. These impressions in drawing and painting are my travel diaries always made on the spot, outdoors, or –like in this case from a window –aiming at capturing a moment in time and space.

    I studied sculpture in Florence and lived in an apartment in Piazza dei Ciompi with two other people, one of them Penelope from Denmark, whose window provided a view over the city to the Tuscan hills. That view inspired me and the automatic thing was to sketch it–which I did, rapidly and without thought, just trying to capture the interplay of multifaceted roofs and the flickering air of April.

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