Raving Disco Dolly On A Rock N’ Roll Trolley at Envoy Enterprises
Thursday, 26 June 2014 09:00Featuring: Amanda Lear, Charles Long, David Alexander Flinn, Duron Jackson, DV-i, Ellen Ni, Erika Keck, Hudson, James Howard, Kasper Bosmans, Lisa Beck, Marco Carol Cole, Maura Biava, Niall Mcclelland, Nils Erik Gjerdevik, Rachael Milton, Rachel Mason, Tilman Hornig Raving Disco Dolly On A Rock N’ Roll Trolley June 26-August 24, 2014 Envoy Enterprises 87 Rivington […]
Asya Geisberg Gallery: About a Mountain
Thursday, 26 June 2014 09:00Featuring: Alejandro Almanza Pereda, Vincent Como, Don Dixon, Gerhard Frommel, Elisa Lendvay, and Rachel Niffenegger. About a Mountain June 26 – August 15, 2014 Asya Geisberg Gallery 537b West 23rd St. New York City asyageisberggallery.com
Quality of Life at Bosi Contemporary
Wednesday, 25 June 2014 09:00Featuring: Aliza Nisenbaum, and Reka Reisinger, Claudia Cortinez + Carlos Vela-Prado, Daniel Bejar, Ethan Breckenridge Curated by: Allison Galgiani Quality of Life June 19 – July 19, 2014 BOSI Contemporary 48 Orchard St. New York City bosicontemporary.com
Barely There at Jack Geary
Wednesday, 25 June 2014 09:00Featuring: David Goodman, Ivin Ballen, Jonas Everets, Lina Puerta, Megan Petras, Midori Harima, Saya Woolfalk, Suzette Bross, Todd Shalom, Vadis Turner Curated by: Vadis Turner Barely There June 26-July 25, 2014 Jack Geary 185 Varick street New York City jackgearycontemporary.com
Larry Clark at Luhring Augustine
Tuesday, 24 June 2014 17:10Larry Clark June 7- August 1, 2014 Luhring Augustine 531 W 24th St. New York City luhringaugustine.com
Group Show at Sargent’s Daughters
Tuesday, 24 June 2014 09:00Featuring: Amy Wilson, Betty Tompkins , Brad Jones, Caris Reid, Elizabeth Glaessner, Ellen Brooks, Ellen Harvey, Emily Sudd, Emily Weiner, Field Kallop, Holly Coulis, Inka Essenhigh, Isca Greenfield-Sanders, Jackie Saccoccio, Jeila Gueramian, Jenna Gribbon, Jennifer Dalton, Jesse Mockrin, Jessica Stoller, Jessica Williams, Jordan Casteel, Joy Garnett, Katie Fischer, Kristine Moran, L.C. Armstrong, Letha Wilson, Lola […]
Not a Force But a Curvature at Novella
Tuesday, 24 June 2014 09:00Featuring: Claire Colette, Gerasimos Floratos, Gretchen Scherer, Matthew F Fisher, Melissa Brown, Ryan Kitson Curated by: Ryan Schneider Not a Force But a Curvature June 19 – July 20, 2014 NOVELLA 164 Orchard St. New York City novellagallery.com
Matter to Scale at Peninsula Art Space
Monday, 23 June 2014 09:00Featuring: Brian Rattiner, Christine Howard Sandoval, Guy Nelson, Laura Tack, Leah Raintree Curated by: Leah Raintree, Marion Guiraud Matter to Scale June 20 – July 20, 2014 Peninsula Art Space 352 Van Brunt St. Brooklyn peninsulaartspace.com
Joan Mitchell: Trees at Cheim & Read
Monday, 23 June 2014 09:00Joan Mitchell: Trees May 15 – August 29, 2014 Cheim & Read 547 West 25th St. New York City cheimread.com
Stephen Lichty at Foxy Production
Monday, 23 June 2014 09:00Stephen Lichty May 10-June 28, 2014 Foxy Production 623 W 27 St. New York City foxyproduction.com