• Barbara Rosenthal Represents U.S. @ Prague Contemporary Art Festival

    Date posted: November 3, 2010 Author: jolanta
    Push Me is a photo-image-text-performance-audio-video DVD projection (6 minutes, looped). Various vicissitude appear as hectic text over Rosenthal’s nude body. The artist’s response to the damaging pressures of life. Ironic, black humor interplay in which all viewers will recognize their own lives and the unfortunate realities of human history through the ages. 

    Push Me is a photo-image-text-performance-audio-video DVD projection (6 minutes, looped). Various vicissitude appear as hectic text over Rosenthal’s nude body. The artist’s response to the damaging pressures of life. Ironic, black humor interplay in which all viewers will recognize their own lives and the unfortunate realities of human history through the ages.

    Barbara Rosenthal is a performance and media artist who usually incorporates original texts in her works. She was born in the Bronx borough of New York City, and currently lives and works along the Hudson River in the West Village neighborhood of the Manhattan borough. She has kept a journal since age 11, and is known for profound introspection into life events, leading to insights about the human species, leading finally to tragi-comic art. She often uses public media to reveal private human conditions, and creates work by simple, direct means.

    The Prague Contemporary Art Festival 2010 will feature, Barbara Rosenthal, who will represent the U.S. in Performance Art. She will perform Push Me from October 7th through the 26th. She will also be available for a  Push Me performance followed by a special Meet & Greet on October 9th (12-3pm). Rosenthal will also be hosting a discussion with artists and curators entitled The Journal Gives Me Ideas, which will take place on October 8th at 11am.

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