• Artists Celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Date posted: January 16, 2012 Author: jolanta

    For close to 30 years, dance pioneers Jawole Willa Jo Zollar and Liz Lerman have been colleagues in the pursuit for human rights and democratic practice in and through the arts. Collaborating for the first time, the choreographers will talk about their new work inspired in part by civil rights leaders Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel. They will also show excerpts of their work including Give Your Hands to Struggle by Zollar and The Matter of Origins by Lerman.

    “the choreographers will talk about their new work inspired in part by civil rights leaders Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel.”

    Courtesy of JCC.


    Artists Celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Each year the JCC presents the powerful work of artists whose vision coincides with the voice of King for justice, peace and civil rights. Do not miss this annual event featuring a line-up of visionary performers.

    Moving Ideas: A Conversation between Choreographers Jawole Willa Jo Zollar and Liz Lerman with Excerpts of their Choreography.

    For close to 30 years, dance pioneers Jawole Willa Jo Zollar and Liz Lerman have been colleagues in the pursuit for human rights and democratic practice in and through the arts. Collaborating for the first time, the choreographers will talk about their new work inspired in part by civil rights leaders Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel. They will also show excerpts of their work including Give Your Hands to Struggle by Zollar and The Matter of Origins by Lerman.
    Soul To Soul: A celebration of African-American and Jewish song with Broadway star Elmore James, off-Broadway singer and actor Tony Perry, and Cantor Magda Fishman (Temple Beth Am, Los Angeles), conceived and directed by Zalmen Mlotek, the National Yiddish Theater-Folksbiene.

    From the power of song to overcome persecution to the celebration of life through spiritual music, this program celebrates the shared traditions of the African-American and Jewish people. In the spirit of unity, we honor Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, Paul Robeson, Benny Goodman, Cab Caloway and other artists and activists who pioneered racial integration and cultural exchange.



    Daniel Kahn and the Painted Bird with Richie Barshay, Jake Shulman-Ment, and Daniel Blacksberg

    Detroit-born, Berlin-based singer/songwriter, poet, and activist Daniel Kahn draws on his roots as a community organizer, a stage actor, and a translator of Eastern European protest songs to concoct furious, tender, lyrical, and electrifying Radical Yiddish Cabaret. His worldly songs, including The March of the Jobless Corps and Among Us, connect the dots between the Poor Peoples Campaign and civil rights issues of today.

    The Apollos: A Documentary Short Film directed by Nick Parker & Jazmin Jones

    The Apollos is about the struggle of a high school senior class to pass a bill making the birthday of Martin Luther King a nationally recognized holiday. The idea behind The Apollos came from wanting to increase youth involvement in social issues using a powerful example to encourage them. By combining the different interviews into one powerful story a non-traditional hybrid interview style was created to show the union of new and old ideas working towards the same goal. Hopefully the youth of today will learn from The Apollos and flex that metaphoric bicep in this adult run society. Youth around the world should know they too are world citizens and have a voice. Use it!

    Peter Jay Sharp Theatre at Symphony Space
2537 Broadway at 95th St., 646-505-4493
Monday, January 16, 2012 at 6:30 p.m.
FREE admission

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