• Anna Lukasik-Fisch

    Date posted: April 17, 2013 Author: mauri

    It’s a bit of a strange feeling to call my ironic themes “art.” I always feel my drawings are the opposite of the common ideas about what art should be. Opposite to the kind of serious art that is performed on a large format with expectations of what it has to express attached to it. And also opposite to contracted works: portraits, designs etc which i create on a professional basis. And by the way, I am a professional artist.

    THe only motivation to create these works has been the fact that I love and need to create them now and then. Sometimes they are based on a book or lyric, sometimes they are completely free. They are also a comment on all the things happening to me everyday. And if I had any artistic goals, it would be just to make my spectators smile, the same way I smile when developing my ideas.

    There are no words to express how proud I am to see them leave my drawers and go out into the public. I’d be happy to make you smile at them as well.


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