• A One-Man System

    Date posted: October 13, 2008 Author: jolanta
    As an artist, I am in the position of an explorer, guided by all mediums (from photography and writing, to video, drawing, and sound research) to a level of reality. I want to identify my behavior with tools such as force and movement. The ideas interest me shortly. Indeed, I believe that problems exist in limited numbers, issues in unlimited numbers. So problems as areas of investigation that I choose according to their concentration accuracies: forests, morgue hospitals, veterinary clinics, sites of waste treatment, and so on. One area of investigation has its strengths, movements, its number of issues. The one-man system that I strive for crosses to remove cultural and moral references, and social benchmarks, to see take shape other storms, to create loopholes, to install uncertainties. Image

    Denis Protéor


    Denis Protéor, Les Nus Contraires. Courtesy of Heartgalerie, Paris

    As an artist, I am in the position of an explorer, guided by all mediums (from photography and writing, to video, drawing, and sound research) to a level of reality. I want to identify my behavior with tools such as force and movement. The ideas interest me shortly. Indeed, I believe that problems exist in limited numbers, issues in unlimited numbers. So problems as areas of investigation that I choose according to their concentration accuracies: forests, morgue hospitals, veterinary clinics, sites of waste treatment, and so on. One area of investigation has its strengths, movements, its number of issues. The one-man system that I strive for crosses to remove cultural and moral references, and social benchmarks, to see take shape other storms, to create loopholes, to install uncertainties. My behavior is the heart of my affair. I am strange. I come from Vertigo. I am, therefore, Vertigo and you must not see me coming. I have more sense than feelings. Here for a part of my secret intention. But, as one might say coincidence: the chance is a secret, my secret.

    In 2000, I began to show the result of long years of research. Before I investigated without revealing anything. Indeed, my point is often an investigation. I locate places. In my view, focusing on hot spots can develop a wide range of questions. Thus, forests, schools, hospital morgues, psychiatric hospitals, waste treatment plants, veterinary clinics, and of course, my privacy/intimacy were, or still are, my fields. During my investigations, I photograph, I film, I write, but mostly I live. I’m always at the center of what I do. An investigation is valid for me when I am totally immersed in the field. I lived in the forest (13 years), I was a teacher (ten years), I worked in a morgue (six years), I attended vets (three years in city and country), I made films with mentally ill actors (three years), I watched the plants waste treatment (three years), and the many women who are visible in my works have been my very close associates. I draw since the age of six in an intense manner, and I can say that the drawing has trained and educated me. In fact, I have for ambition: to form a fresco of the living (in all its statements), to reveal elements in constant transformation, to establish my language only based on elements that I produce (to escape the reference and model), to support my work on its internal logic, to make vertigo without alcohol and drug-free, to destroy the strongholds by their subsoil. With photographs, texts, videos, drawings, paintings, music, exhibitions, books, flesh, women, and my behavior came only from depths of my soul.


    En l’an 2000, j’ai commencé à montrer le résultat de longues années de recherches. Avant j’ai enquêté sans rien dévoiler. En effet mon point de départ est souvent une enquête. Je localise des lieux qui, selon moi, concentre des points névralgiques capables de développer un grand nombre de questions. Ainsi la forêt, l’école, la morgue hospitalière, l’hôpital psychiatrique, l’usine de traitement des déchets, la clinique vétérinaire et évidemment mon intimité furent ou sont encore mes domaines. Pendant mes enquêtes, je photographie, je filme, j’écris mais surtout je vis. Je suis toujours au centre de ce que je fais. Une investigation est valable pour moi lorsque je me suis totalement immergé dans le domaine. J’ai vécu dans la forêt (13 ans), j’ai été pédagogue (10 ans), j’ai travaillé dans une morgue(6 ans), j’ai assisté des vétérinaires (2 ans), j’ai fait des films avec des malades mentaux en tant qu’acteurs (3 ans), j’ai surveillé les usines de traitement des déchets (3 ans) et les nombreuses femmes qui sont visibles dans mes oeuvres ont été mes intimes complices. En outre je dessine depuis l’âge de 6 ans d’une manière intense et je peux dire que le dessin m’a formé et éduqué. En fait j’ai pour ambition de: former une fresque de la matière vivante (dans tous ses états), révéler les éléments en constante transformation, établir mon langage d’après des éléments que je produis (pour échapper à la référence et au modèle), faire vivre mon oeuvre sur sa logique interne, apporter l’ivresse sans alcool et sans drogue, détruire les forteresses par leur sous-sol.

    Avec des photographies, des textes, des vidéos, des dessins, des peintures, des musiques, des expositions, des livres, et mon comportement venus des seules profondeurs de mon âme. 

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