• Derek Shumate

    Date posted: August 11, 2006 Author: jolanta
    Image My present concern is with spontaneity and being able to capture bits of information from the continuous flow of consciousness.

    present concern is with spontaneity and being able to capture bits of
    information from the continuous flow of consciousness. In turn,
    producing the immediate thought via mixed medium, I’ve recognized my
    tastes and habits and have pushed them aside to make more room for the
    fresh. Doing this keeps me unfamiliar with the now, allowing me to act
    solely as a channel for raw ideas to flow through, and onto any surface
    available. I’m able to do this because I’ve developed a great trust in
    my impulsive, creative intuition. This process of working goes
    hand-in-hand with my love of different techniques and methods of
    working. I’m constantly craving new mediums and surfaces to work on.
    With many projects being developed at any given moment I’m able to keep
    my hands moving and my ideas flowing.


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